connecting materials

Intrigued by the way the material moves with light and creates beautiful hues and textures, I connect Flexible Furniture Linoleum with wood and metal in a controlled way. By doing so, I show the contrast of the linoleum with other materials and how they interact. This creates interesting landscapes which makes it possible to be used for a variety of purposes.
WDKA X Forbo
Assignment, collaboration with Forbo.
Forbo is the global leader in the market for linoleum, a natural material made from linseed oil, pine resin, wood flour and limestone, as well as jute and pigments. We are most familiar with it as a flooring material in public spaces, due to its durability. The flexible furniture linoleum offers a thinner and more flexible version as opposed to the regular linoleum flooring, and is intended to be used within the context of furniture and interior.
Sample presentation Dutch Design Week 2021
Cargo Collective 2017 — Frogtown, Los Angeles